writing coach profile/selfie mashup!!



My name is Katie! I’m a fourth year undergraduate student studying Secondary English Education. I’m excited to help you with your paper! Something I really enjoy is when I can really hear a strong voice throughout the story/paper. I think that this gives the reader some insight as to what you (the writer/author) are trying to convey. I like reading papers on all topics, though!

A little bit about me is that I love movies and tv shows. Books are great, too, of course. My favorite movie is Hot Rod with Andy Samberg. Highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it! My favorite author is Louise Erdrich. She writes amazing novels that mostly focus on Native American characters. Also, my favorite tv show is Parks and Rec. I attached a selfie mashup I made to show you all of my favorite books!wr

I also really like playing sports! I played softball for about ten years, and I like to go hiking and camping.


  1. Hi Katie! I really love your selfie mashup, I forgot to include Fahrenheit 451 in my mashup poster but it was definitely a highlight from the books I read in high school! I also really like that you mention hearing a reader's voice in their writing and how important that can be for engaging readers. When I think about all of your writing that I got to read last semester, I can remember how your voice made all of your works so unique and engaging. Also, I feel like a lot of times people don't specifically talk about voice in people's writing so I appreciate you mentioning it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Katie!
    I love the Percy Jackson series, I can't believe I forgot to include that in my mashup! The movies are such a disappointment compared to the books, though; they had such potential. I also played softball for a good chunk of my life; I played for about 10 years, too which is awesome!
    P.s. I deleted the comment above because I forgot to sign my name, didn't realize it would say I deleted it, oops

  4. Like Drew and Kim, I'm glad that you pointed out voice since I think it can be an aspect of writing that young/emerging writers tend to stray away from out of fear of not sounding "academic" enough, when in reality, it can add a lot of depth and character to a piece. I definitely wanted to keep a strictly "academic" and "straightfoward" voice when I was writing my papers in high school and early college, but as I've become more experienced and confident in my writng, I've realized it is important to stay authentic and personal.

    Looking at your collage reminded me that I need to revisit "A Tale of Two Cities." It was one of the first classics/19th-century books I read in high school, and I definitely didn't have the reading skills at the time to fully comprehend its greatness. I do, however, remember being struck by the ending and coming to class eager to discuss.


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